Tips for writing great bios - show don't tell

Need to write or update your bio?  Remember our mantra... "Show, don't tell." 

  1. Subjective ideas like “visionary leader” are not persuasive, it's much better to give examples or spell out patterns of the success you’ve achieved (problem-action-result (PAR) stories are an ideal vehicle for showing how you tackled a challenge). Example:  "Operating in a reactive mode, Natasha engaged stakeholders on four continents to get agreement and alignment on a strategic learning plan; participants rated the program a 9.3."  
  2. Enthusisam is great but avoid a gimmicky, sales-y tone.  Adotp a warm, engaging, conversational tone instead.  "Having consulted in ten countries, Natasha asks great questions and listens carefully."
  3. Personal hobbies and interests can be great when they show a related skill or show commitment to a job-relevant area.  Example: "We believe in metrics and accountability.  Every action, every dollar, and every word should return its investment."  
  4. We all know that you wrote the bio yourself so limit the self-aggrandizing quotes like "she's a visionary thinker” or "she's a creative innovator.”  Example: "To support long-time client McDonald's during it's restructuring efforts, Write It Well redesigned the program to deliver maximum value and uncompromised quality at a reduced cost."  


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